createCancelPortabilityOrder Usage

TMF 689

Cancel a previously submitted request.

Use Cases

These are some examples of when a client would want to use createCancelPortabilityOrder to cancel the outstanding port in request and prevent further processing:

  • Incorrect Port In Request Scenario: A client submits an Port Order request to port in an existing subscriber from another service provider, but later realizes that they have provided incorrect information during the submission process. The client can use the createCancelPortabilityOrder API to cancel the outstanding port in request and prevent further processing.
  • Subscriber Changes Mind Scenario: A subscriber requests to port their number to a new service provider but later decides to stay with their current provider. In this case, the client can use the createCancelPortabilityOrder API to cancel the port in request, ensuring that the subscriber's number remains with their existing provider.
  • Incompatible Service Plan Scenario: A client submits a Port Order request to port in a subscriber from another service provider but later discovers that the subscriber's existing service plan is not compatible with their new provider's offerings. The client can use the createCancelPortabilityOrder API to cancel the outstanding port in request and avoid potential issues.
  • Failed Port In Attempts Scenario: A client has made several attempts to port in a subscriber from another service provider, but each attempt has resulted in errors or failures. After exhausting all possible solutions, the client can use the createCancelPortabilityOrder API to cancel the outstanding port in request and terminate the process.
  • Time Sensitive Cancellation Scenario: A client submits an Port Order request to port in a subscriber from another service provider, but the subscriber has a time-sensitive need to maintain their current service. The client can use the createCancelPortabilityOrder API to cancel the port in request and ensure the subscriber's service is not disrupted.

689 createCancelPortabilityOrder flow