Number Management Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the steps of reserving a phone number.


Find out which numbers we can offer to this subscriber

In this step, we will determine if there are numbers and services available to this subscriber based on their location. To do this, we will be using the InquireMarketServiceAreas API endpoint. The objective of this step is to ensure that we can reserve a phone number that is available in the subscriber’s area and supports the desired technology services.

To call the InquireMarketServiceAreas API, we will send a request with an activation payload that includes the subscriber's location information and the desired market type.

Example Request Data:

Request type
Zip code
Market type
Filter to local market

Reserve a number for this subscriber

In this step, we will reserve one of the numbers that is available in the subscriber’s location. To do this, we will be using the ReserveSubscriberNumber API endpoint, requesting a random number from the numbers in the block that was returned in the previous API’s response. The objective of this step is to assign an available number to a subscriber.  

To call the ReserveSubscriberNumber API, we will send a request with an activation payload that includes subscriber’s service area, contact information, type of number reservation, and a request for a random phone number.

Example Request Data:

Request type
Billing market
Billing sub market
Service area
Dealer code
Contact name
James Doe
1345 WALNUT ST, DALLAS, TX, 75248
Quantity of numbers

Release subscriber number

In this final stage of the API tutorial, we will ensure that the sample subscriber data added in previous steps is properly cleaned up. To accomplish this, we will use ReleaseSubscriberNumber to remove the newly assigned number from the subscriber so the number will once again be available in the system for reservation.

To call the ReleaseSubscriberNumber API, we will send a request with an activation payload that includes subscriber’s number, which should match the number in the previous step.

Example Request Data:

Subscriber number